Executive Committee Vs Board o...

An executive committee can help nonprofits who need to complete their work quickly and efficiently. Some boards may have trouble defining the difference between an executive board and a board.

The executive committee is made up of members who are responsible for handling urgent issues and serve as the board’s ears and eyes during meetings. They usually consist of 3-7 members.

The executive committee usually has two members: a vice-chairperson and secretary. The chairperson’s role is to steer the committee and act as the voice of the board. The vice-chairperson assists the chairperson in their role and can also stand in should they need to. The secretary maintains the minutes of meetings, a calendar for the committee and ensures all members have access committee documents.

The executive committee is a part of the board but retains the power to direct the business. King advises that a board should carefully consider delegating of duties to an executive committee, so that it does not create a unwelcome „two-tier” power situation in which the committee takes on decision-making powers that, by constitution and/or statute, should be attributed to the board.

An executive committee can be a valuable tool for non-profits, particularly when it’s not feasible for the board to meet in person to address urgent issues. The executive committee can provide an opportunity for those who are connected to the organization via their leadership, to make important decisions regarding high-level workplace issues, organizational oversight and development of the board.


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